Certifications and Patents

ensure high-quality standards for Edil Impianti 2 S.r.l.'s production process,
in compliance with current regulations, along with self-imposed standard. All precast concrete products are therefore thoroughly quality-tested, thus ensuring compliance and reliability over time.
Our production standards are the highest in the market, as - in addition to the system certification (UNI EN ISO 9001 and ISO 45001) and the Certificate of Conformity (with the CE marking of products regulation 305/11) – the Company is one of the few in the industry to manufacture its products in a DECLARED SERIES, having obtained the Qualification Certificate from the Servizio Tecnico Centrale del Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici (Central Technical Service of the Superior Council of Public Works - chapter 11.8.4 of DM 17.01.2018). Stating that Edilimpianti2 s.r.l. is a Certified Company means it has a Management and Organization System complying with specific applicable international Regulations (Standards), which are recognized based on an Accreditation System. Adopting a Management and Organization System means, therefore, defining the objectives that can be achieved by the Company and fulfill them by defining criteria and working methods, i.e. preparing and applying procedures, work instructions and recording systems that are consistent and compatible with the purpose that the company has decided to pursue.
Declared Series Manufacturing
Based on the "Technical Regulations for Construction", which require non-CE-marked products to have a certification of series production, Edil Impianti 2's manufacturing system has been certified by the "Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici" (Superior Council of Public Works).
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001 assessed according to the requirements of Technical Regulation RT-05. This certification is intended to refer to the management of the company as a whole and can be used for the qualification of construction companies pursuant to Article 40 of Law no. 163 of 12 April 2006 as amended and Presidential Decree no. 207 of 5 October 2010.
ISO 45001:2018
Consistently with the great care Edil Impianti2 s.r.l. has always shown for human and professional values the company has obtained this ISO certification, to show the company's commitment for a better management of human resources, stricter control activities and a greater awareness of all the risks involved in normal and extraordinary operations at work.